The Endless Desire – Painting and Installation

By Zheng Yu

Event Date: 27th May — 26th June, 2021

The solo exhibition by Zheng Yu will present his latest series of works that expresses his thoughts, experiments and implementation in arts.

“Desire” is the most primitive and basic instinct of all animals in the world. From the human point of view, it is a kind of mental and physical content, and it is an indispensable demand for the existence of all animals. The most basic desire of all animals is to live and exist, in other words, is love and unsatisfied. Historically, people like to use “apple” as a symbol of “desire”, such as Adam’s apple in “The Holy Bible”; and in a Chinese movie named “APPLE”, it presented a situation of Chinese workers facing their desire in the society.

Therefore, in this exhibition, Zheng will present his thoughts on human’s desire in the contemporary society through his unique artworks with Apples.