Creative Macau

Center for Creative Industries


Vocanimals Music

Vocanimals Music is the first independent record company in Macau. After few years of preparation, the company was starting it’s business in the beginning of 2003. It has 3 sections:
1) Management
2) Record
3) Publishing

Now the company has cooperated with 4 local solo artists Bryan, David, Filipe as well as June. And will expand with more cooperated artists. Just on 17th August 2003, Vocanimals Music had released the first EP of Bryan (one of the signed artists). And will also release David’s new EP in the same month.


Vocanimals Life Acoustic Movement

10th April, 2005

Discuss the relationship between music and life through performance and interactive games. Speakers will share their experience in the influence of music on our present lives and inspirations of music and lyrics. Vocanimals Life & Real-Us Grouped by local musicians and singers who are active participants in the Macau pop music field. Vocanimals Life: Bryan […]