Creative Macau

Center for Creative Industries

Visual Arts

Leo Fan

“He will not let a crushed stem be quite broken, and he will not let a feebly burning light be put out: he will go on sending out the true word to the peoples.”
Isaiah 42:3

I am Leo Fan Sai Cheong, I am interested in things that happen in my life, I like to observe and think.  Although I hate anything that deceives, I live and work in a deceitful society.  Thanks to this, it gave me a lot of inspirations for artistic expression.

I am a Chinese Calligraphy teacher at a primary and secondary school, and I work as a vice-principal at a middle school.  I have been fond of art since I was a child.  I believed that the process of artistic creation is related to the expression of personal language.  The artistic creation that I appreciate is the ability to express one’s true emotions and life experience in an authentic and pure artistic language, which, my photography and calligraphy are based on.


Recent solo exhibition – “Non Character Non View Exhibition” (2021)

ig id: leo.f_macau


CAPTURE THE LIGHT AND IMAGES – Contemporary Photography Collective exhibition

15th April — 6th May, 2023

After “Modern Photography” became History in the late 1960s, a new Era of the photographic image emerged and is called “Contemporary Photography” being described as the photography of our everyday real life. CAPTURE THE LIGHT AND IMAGES is an exhibition of contemporary photography by 6 invited member artists who bring us many stories that intersect […]

0 ZERO and SINE DIE – 19th anniversary members collective exhibition

27th August — 24th September, 2022

The Grand Opening of the Center for Creative Industries – CREATIVE MACAU took place 19 years ago, on an auspicious Thursday, on August 28, 2003. Today, we celebrate its 19th anniversary, and we continue to work on our mission. This space hosted an eclectic exhibition with works by members, enrolled in a range of creative […]