Creative Macau

Center for Creative Industries

Visual Arts

Stefan Nunes

Born in England in 1988. Stefan Nunes lived between England and Portugal before settling in Macau at age 7. When he was 12 he received his first camera arousing a fascination for photography. After graduating from high school, he traveled, studied and worked in different professional areas on a personal quest for 10 years. At the end of which he rediscovered his passion for photography and decided to specialize in the field of image, deepening knowledge in photography, video and multimedia.


“Four Seasons” 20th Anniversary Members Collective Exhibition

28th August — 29th September, 2023

It’s a great pleasure to celebrate two decades of intense artistic and cultural activity with the creative community, which began on the 28th of August 2003 with the mission of welcoming established professionals and new talents seeking recognition. We thank all associated members for their collaboration with thoughtful support since they willingly accept our invitations […]

CAPTURE THE LIGHT AND IMAGES – Contemporary Photography Collective exhibition

15th April — 6th May, 2023

After “Modern Photography” became History in the late 1960s, a new Era of the photographic image emerged and is called “Contemporary Photography” being described as the photography of our everyday real life. CAPTURE THE LIGHT AND IMAGES is an exhibition of contemporary photography by 6 invited member artists who bring us many stories that intersect […]

0 ZERO and SINE DIE – 19th anniversary members collective exhibition

27th August — 24th September, 2022

The Grand Opening of the Center for Creative Industries – CREATIVE MACAU took place 19 years ago, on an auspicious Thursday, on August 28, 2003. Today, we celebrate its 19th anniversary, and we continue to work on our mission. This space hosted an eclectic exhibition with works by members, enrolled in a range of creative […]