Visual Arts
Denis Murrell
“21st Century” 21st Anniversary Members Collective Exhibition
27th August — 28th September, 2024
Opening: 27 August (Tue) 18:00 – 20:00 Art has been categorized into different periods, styles, and doctrines over the past few centuries, such as the Renaissance, Baroque style, Pop Art, Contemporary Art, and so on. These distinct artistic movements emerged in response to the social phenomena of their respective times. The origins of art […]
“Four Seasons” 20th Anniversary Members Collective Exhibition
28th August — 29th September, 2023
It’s a great pleasure to celebrate two decades of intense artistic and cultural activity with the creative community, which began on the 28th of August 2003 with the mission of welcoming established professionals and new talents seeking recognition. We thank all associated members for their collaboration with thoughtful support since they willingly accept our invitations […]
OPEN CLOSE OPEN – 18th Anniversary Collective Exhibition
28th August — 30th September, 2021
Reflecting on these two atypical years, we proposed to the members an emotional catharsis that would creatively express the ups and downs of their own feelings. Each work presented will transmit personal feelings experienced, either real or metaphorical with the dilemma of Open – Close – Open, inside/outside of themselves. OPEN CLOSE OPEN inspired 33 […]
OUR FAMILY – 16th Anniversary Collective Exhibition
28th August — 21st September, 2019
The Collective Exhibition will be held in Creative Macau starting from 28 August to 21 September, 2019. 29 members create a structure of the “family” as an artistic project; and compose a family portrait through the real and, or, within imaginary conception. From the abstraction to the substantial, we have been naming themes for our […]
“Whatever You Make, Make It Yours” – 14th anniversary collective member exhibition
28th August — 23rd September, 2017
Individual works could express strong individuality and uniqueness. Through this collective exhibition, the artists will creative the masterpieces with various art forms. Such as photography, print making, oil painting, tile painting, etc. The idiosyncratic and distinct thoughts will be gathered. And those will bring us the extraordinary ideas and experiences. Demonstrating the local creative talents’ […]
“RICH LIFE” – 12th anniversary group exhibition
28th August — 30th September, 2015
Creative Macau (CCI) will hold a grand opening ceremony of “Rich Life” Members Exhibition and bring stunning music performance to celebrate its 12th Anniversary on Friday, 28 August, 2015. The grand opening ceremony will start at 6pm with a set of live acoustic and electronic music played in a combination of different instruments by the […]
“Make A Wish” 10th Anniversary Group Exhibition
28th August — 14th September, 2013
MAKE A WISH is the theme of our 10th anniversary exhibition proposed to all Creative Macau members. Twenty six members across the twelve different creative fields of advertising, architecture, craft, design, designer fashion, film and video, interactive leisure software, music, performing arts, publishing, software and computer development, and visual arts were interested and are displaying […]
9th — 30th June, 2007
HOMEWORK is the title of an exhibition by Denis Murrell. It is comprised of 15 original paintings, in mixed media on cardboard, especially created to be exhibited at CREATIVE MACAU, from 9 to 30 of June, 2007. Denis Murrel is one of CCI’s members that accepted our invitation to have a solo event for our exhibition program, that […]
Exhibition: Macau Colours Come to Singapore
28th April — 28th May, 2005
Denis Murrell, a participant in Visual Arts field, is going to have an exhibition in the Art Loft Gallery, Singapore, from 28 April to 28 May 2005. To know more about Denis, please visit HERE. Images of Denis’ works can also be found through THIS SITE.
Denis Murrell at the Millennium Gallery
8th — 21st June, 2004
An exhibition of Denis Murrell’s painting is being held at the Millennium Gallery from 8-21 June,2004. Many nice photos were taken at the exhibition. Don’t hesitate and take a look here.
Approaches to Painting
15th May, 2004
The Approaches to Painting Workshop was taken place on a nice weekend at Creative Macau. Using a video, Mr. Denis Murrell described and demonstrated his unusual technique of making abstract paintings using paints, glue and different kinds of tissue paper. Students also had a chance to see some of his great works, which allowed them to learn how to increase […]
Creative Minds EXPLODE!
5th March, 2004
Links of our Instructors: SIMON HO ARDEN CHEN JUIN TAM WONG HO SANG DENIS MURRELL * We accept application on a first-come-first-served basis. * In completion of the workshop, Creative Macau will award students certificates issued by IEEM (The Macau Institute of European Studies). * The CCI reserves the right to make any changes for the workshops without further […]
- Aline Mendes
- Alley Leong
- Cheong Sao Pek
- Chio Ut Sim, Irene
- Cristina Lu
- Gil Araujo
- Hio Kuan
- ioklin Ng
- Iris Iao
- Jet Wu
- João Nuno Marques
- Julia Lam
- Justin Ung
- Kuok ChiKei
- Leong Cheok Ieng
- Lo Hio Ieng
- Madalena Fonseca
- Mattie Vong i san
- Mundinho
- Sara Neves
- Song En Martha (Liesl) Lee
- Thomas Potter
- Tomson Ip
- Vincent Metayer
- Wilson So
- Ziyang (Mon) Chen
- Ada Mok Keng Kio
- Aida Maria Albino Carreira
- Alex Chao Io Chong
- Alice Ieong
- Alice Leonor das Neves Costa
- Allen Wong Soi Lon
- Alley Leong
- André Lui
- Angel Kit Cheng Chan
- Angela Hoi Ka Ian
- Anita Fung
- Arlinda Frota
- Aya Lei
- Brian Cheong
- Cai Guo Jie
- Carmen Lei
- Carol Archer
- Catherine Bjerke
- Cecilia Rosa Sequeira
- Celeste C da Luz
- Célia Rosário
- Chan I Lei
- Charles Chauderlot
- Chau Peng Kuong
- Che Chon Iek
- Cheong Sao Pek
- Cheong Ut Man, Coco
- Choi Su Weng
- Christopher Lei Weng Kuong
- Chung Wai Kai
- Cindy Ng
- Cola Wong
- Cosmo Wong
- Cristina Lu
- Cristina Mio U Kit
- Crystal Chan Wai Man
- David K. K. Chio
- Debby Sou Vai Keng
- Denis Murrell
- Denise Lei Fong Ieng
- Dixon Lei
- Donna Ho Pui San
- Duarte Esmeriz
- Feykah Bahmid
- Gigi Lee Yee Kee
- Gil Araujo
- Grace Yeu Chiu Yee
- Gu Yue
- Heidi Ng
- Ho Ka Lai
- Ho Kuan Mui
- Ho Si Man
- Hong Wai
- Ieong Chi Kin
- Io Weng Si
- ioklin Ng
- Iris Iao
- Isabel Rasquinho
- Isabel Tou
- James Chu Cheok Son
- Jansky Lei
- Jess Chan Sau In
- Jet Wu
- Joan Lam
- Joana Ling Heok Joo
- João MT
- João Nuno Marques
- João Ó
- Joey Ho
- José Drummond
- Julia Lam
- Justin Chiang Chin Pang
- Kawo
- Kay Zhang
- Ken C. I. Chau
- Kuok ChiKei
- Kuok Woon
- Lai Sio Kit
- Lam Kin Ian
- Lampo Leong
- Lan Chiang
- Laura Che Mei I
- Lei Chek On
- Lei Sao I
- Lei Weng Wai
- Leong Cheok Ieng
- Leong Leng
- Li Li
- Lidia Lourenco
- Lio Man Cheong
- LittlePeng
- Lo Hio Ieng
- Lo Yuen Yi
- Lui Chak Hong
- Luna Cheong
- Lynette Clennell
- Lynette Clennell
- Madalena Fonseca
- Maria Odeta Silva Sequeira (M.O.S.S.)
- Mattie Vong i san
- Mel Cheong
- Minnian Ng
- Mio Pang Fei
- Mundinho
- Nair Alexandra Dias Cardoso
- Nancy U Lai Wan
- Noah Ng Fong Chao
- Ondina Oliveira
- Pak Keong Sequeira
- Pamela Chan
- Papa Osmubal
- Poon Kam Ling
- Raúl Martins
- Ricardo Meireles
- Rita Portugal
- Rodrigo de Matos
- Rui Rasquinho
- Sandy Leong Sin U
- Sheeda Kok
- Silvia Mendes Sales
- Situ Jian
- Sofia Arez
- Sofia Bobone
- Sonia Lam
- Sou Chon Kit
- Sou Un Fong
- Stacy Tang Chu Si
- Susanne Leong kin in
- Tchusca Songo
- The Manga-Art Creative Association of Macau (MACAM)
- Thomas Potter
- Todi Kong
- Tomson Ip
- Tong Chong
- Un Chi Iam
- Ung Tzi Hin
- Ung Vai Meng
- Vera Paz
- Vicente Bravo
- Victor Ao Ieong Iong
- Victor Marreiros
- Wilson So
- Wong Sio Hang
- Wu Lu Sheng
- Yan Ao
- Yang Sio Maan
- Yao Mou In
- Yaya Vai
- Yu Si
- Yuen Wai Ip
- Zheng Yu
- Ziyang (Mon) Chen
- Adam Lamptom
- Adam Lui
- Agostinho Guilherme Fernandes (Nico)
- Aida Maria Albino Carreira
- Alan ieon
- Alice Im
- Alice Kok Tim Hei
- Ana Rita Dias Ferreira
- António Duarte Mil-Homens
- Armelle de L.
- Bottle Technology Limited
- Brian Cheong
- Carol Kwok
- Chan Ka Keong
- Delfino Gabriel
- Dennio Long Fat Chi
- Dialect
- Edgar A. B. Martins
- Eduardo Leal
- Eduardo Magalhāes
- Eloi Scarva
- Fátima Peres Galvão
- Fong Vang Hoi
- Francisco Ricarte
- Frank Lei
- Gonçalo Lobo Pinheiro
- Gonçalo Magalhães
- Hugo Teixeira
- Ieong Man Pan
- Jansky Lei
- Jason Lei
- Joan Lam
- João Miguel Barros
- João Monteiro
- Joaquim Magalhāes de Castro
- Jordan Whyte
- Juliana Hew
- Kawo
- Ken C. I. Chau
- Kuok ChiKei
- Lam Iam Sang
- Leo Fan
- Lo Yuen Yi
- Lúcia Lemos
- Lynette Clennell
- Lynette Clennell
- Maria 16
- Maria do Carmo Correia
- Maria João Das
- Marina Paula Duarte De Carvalho
- Mina Ao
- Mundinho
- Nelson M S Silva
- Noah Ng Fong Chao
- Nuno Calçada Bastos
- Nuno Filipe Gonçalves Soares
- Ohi
- Pedro Madeira Pinto
- Peter Chang Wa Heng
- Ricardo Meireles
- Rui Pastorin
- Rusty Fox (Wong Wang Lap)
- Sara Neves
- Season Lao
- Situ Jian
- Sonia Lam
- Stefan Nunes
- Tang Kuok Hou
- Tchusca Songo
- Thomas Potter
- Tzeng Yi Hsin
- Vera Paz
- Vincent Sin
- Wang Tou Kun
- Wilson Jorge Caldeira
- Wong Ho Sang
- Aida Maria Albino Carreira
- Anita Fung
- Catherine, CHEONG cheng wa
- Chu Pui Fung
- Denise Lei Fong Ieng
- Fernanda Dias
- Heidi Ng
- Ho Kuan Mui
- James Wong Cheng Pou
- Joaquim Franco
- Joaquim Kuong
- Ken C. I. Chau
- Lei Cheng
- Leong Fei In
- LittlePeng
- Lo Yuen Yi
- Lúcia Lemos
- Lynette Clennell
- Lynette Clennell
- Madalena Fonseca
- Maria João Das
- Noah Ng Fong Chao
- Pedro Madeira Pinto
- Sara Neves
- Thomas Potter
- Wilson So
- Yan Ao
- Yang Sio Maan
- Yoyo Wu
- Ziyang (Mon) Chen
- Alex Chao Io Chong
- Celeste C da Luz
- Célia Rosário
- Chan Un Man
- Cheong Sao Pek
- Cola Wong
- Eloi Scarva
- Gil Araujo
- Heidi Ng
- Jacques Le Nantec
- Joan Lam
- Ken C. I. Chau
- Lam Iam Sang
- Lei Chek On
- Leong Fei In
- Leung Tat Hung
- Lo Yuen Yi
- Maria João Das
- Maria Odeta Silva Sequeira (M.O.S.S.)
- Mattie Vong i san
- Mundinho
- Ricardo Meireles
- Sergio Feiteira
- Sonia Lam
- Tchusca Songo
- Thomas Potter
- Todi Kong
- Tong Chong